La Leche League of Charlottesville offers breastfeeding support, education, and encouragement for parents and expecting parents. We welcome you to our meet-ups or you may contact our trained, accredited Leaders anytime for breastfeeding help, information and support.
We hold FREE breastfeeding/chestfeeding/human-milk feeding support meet-ups/playgroups:
We also can direct you to regular Zoom meetings hosted by nearby groups in Virginia. (Email/message us for the link.)
LLL meet-ups are very informal--a chance to chat about whatever is going on with you, your baby, and breastfeeding/human milk feeding. Bring your questions, share your experiences, find a supportive, inclusive community. Come solo, bring your baby, come late, pump, wear a mask--do whatever works for you. Of course, if you or anyone in your household is sick, please stay at home and join us in the future.
LLL of Charlottesville is part of La Leche League International, a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization. Please visit the LLLI homepage for more information.
Like us on Facebook for meeting reminders and more, or send us an email to be added to our Google Group and get email meeting reminders in your in-box.
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